Lend any ERC20
against any NFT

Borrow or lend against any asset. Seriously.


We never hold your funds.


All actions are on-chain.


Markets built by community.


Easily connect your wallet, view available loans for your assets, and choose a currency, loan duration, and interest rate that best suits you.


Optimize your lending strategies and capital with ease. Select collateral types, set loan-to-value (LTV) ratios, and choose currencies based on your risk management.


Craft the future of NFT-Fi: develop auto-compounding vaults, integrate top-tier liquidity aggregators, establish a decentralized marketplace for Magnify Cash credit swaps, and beyond.

Borrowing made simple

Experience on-chain lending without hidden fees, unexpected liquidations, or complications.

You Have Options

Discover the best loan opportunities for your assets with Magnify Cash. With a wide range of currency choices, loan durations, and amounts, you're never short of options. Breathe easy; you're in control.

Multiple Currencies

At Magnify, we redefine flexibility. Lenders can extend loans in any currency, not just ETH or USDC, so if you're seeking options beyond the usual, Magnify Cash is the place for you.

Instant Liquidity

With our automated system, waiting for peer approval is a thing of the past. Need funds immediately? Choose the loan that fits you best, and it'll be in your wallet in no time.

Fixed Term Loans

Borrow the way you know best. Just like a car loan, there are no unexpected liquidations, only a clear due date. Pay back by then, and your collateral is yours to reclaim.

Lending made efficient

Maintain unwavering control over your capital and tactics with Magnify Cash.

Automated Lending Desks

Establish your own lending desk and allocate your capital. Decide on the assets, set the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, choose durations, and determine interest rates. Craft your strategy and watch as the loans flow in.

No Shared Pool Risks

Your capital is never compromised in shared pools. It stays segregated within your individual lending desks, preventing any overlap. This method ensures that your capital is used precisely as intended.

Unwind Positions with Ease

All loans are represented on-chain by Magnify Cash. As a lender, you receive a promissory note covering collateral, principal, and interest. To exit a loan early, simply sell your Magnify Cash to another lender and effortlessly close your position.

Change Your Strategies

Should a lending desk fall short of expectations, easily refine your loan parameters for subsequent loans to be "in the money." Seeking a risk-off stance? Just hit "Freeze" on the desk to cease new loan issuances.

Build with Magnify

The superior platform to build upon.

Clear Smart Contracts

Magnify offers intuitive smart contracts, simplifying immediate integration. Dive into our documentation and begin your journey.

See Docs

Fun to work with

Magnify is a joy to collaborate with, supported by a fervent community of innovators. No idea is too grand for us, and we embrace every challenge.

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Great Documentation

Magnify has diligently curated comprehensive technical documentation. For any queries you might have, we've likely got the answers.

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No External Dependencies

Thanks to our protocol's design, integration is seamless. We have no external dependencies, ensuring a smooth process without unforeseen integration challenges.
